Is DevOps the Key to Project Success?

The headache of having to rescue a project that is falling behind or failing to meet deliverables can be extremely stressful. Finding a DevOps tool to assist your team in good communication, sprint management, and task assignments helps everyone to collaborate and track the project’s progress along the way. We share some of our DevOps […]
Relational Database Design: Know the Basics

The need for relational databases is becoming increasingly more evident. We run through the basic components of a database, helping your planning and design meetings achieve more focus – we promise, your engineering team will be impressed! If you need software development related assistance, we can help. Please schedule a complementary consultation with one of […]
Personnel Update

The start of 2021 has been an exciting time for PSI as we have experienced significant growth in both the engineering and marketing front. We are thrilled to announce that we have added 6 new team members since March, including 5 Software Engineers and 1 Digital Marketing Professional. Please join us in welcoming our newest […]
Six Simple Steps to Set Expectations with Software Estimation

VP of operations at PSI, Rightley McConnell, gives a high-level overview of the six simple steps of the Risk-Based Estimation Process so that you can begin to provide an idea of the schedule and costs associated with your next software project. If you need software development related assistance, we can help. Please schedule a complementary […]
Bad Actors, Cyber Security, and Your Business

Recently, you may have seen many headlines about the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack where bad actors used ransomware to hold the company’s billing system hostage. This was yet another eye-opening event for businesses nationwide. VP of operations at PSI, Rightley McConnell, discusses some suggestions on protecting yourself and your business from hackers and ransomware. If you […]
Software Validation vs. Software Verification

Many people in and around the software development process will use the two terms software verification and software validation interchangeably, and this can cause confusion and misunderstandings. Software testing activities can help achieve a clean, detect-free product, to ideally eliminate future software-related recalls.   We hope that by sharing with you how we do things […]
Software Development Value Adding Tools

When deciding on a software engineering partner, it is important to consider the development value adding tools of your partner. To further understand the benefits of the many software development value adding tools that we use at PSI, Casandra provides and overview of some of the tools that our company uses to provide our clients […]
PSI Software Development Process

It’s important to understand your software partner’s development process to ensure you can properly marry your processes, as well as other engineering disciplines, together. Casandra walks through PSI’s 5-phased approach, describing at a high level what you can expect throughout each step of the PSI software development lifecycle.     If you need software development […]